Discover Sicily Bicycle Tour BT5
- GO experience the blooming Sicilian landscape
- GO cycle through vineyards and along the coastline
- GO experience a culture influenced by a mosaic of ancient civilizations
Immerse yourself in western Sicily from the seat of your bicycle. From colorful fishing villages to ancient temples, Sicily always delights. You’ll cycle along the coastline and through the hills, passing vineyards and olive groves along the way as the scent of citrus hangs in the air. And while all that sounds great, we must admit that it’s really our taste buds that get most excited about this tour. Sicilian cuisine is among the best Italy has to offer. The Discover Sicily Bicycle Tour follows mostly paved roads with light traffic and thanks to luggage transportation, it is appropriate for both road and touring bicycles. The hilly terrain makes for an invigorating challenge. The best time to experience the explosion of spring flowers in Sicily is from April to June. We partner with local bicycle tour experts in Italy to provide you with this tour.
Length 7 days
Season Year Round
Airport Palermo, Italy
Physical Condition
Technical Difficulty
Read more about difficulty ratings
Responsible Travel Score:
8/15 Fair Traveler
(detailed summary available in Tour Documents)
We accept bookings up to 21 days prior to the start date of the tour
Only 20% payment due at the time of booking!
Current Availability
Updated September 10th, 2024
We are currently accepting bookings for 2025 tours. Although reservations are not yet open for all accommodations on this route, we are checking in regularly with the accommodations and will make reservations as they open up.
2025 pricing will be released on October 15th. Until then, it is possible to book 2025 tours at 2024 prices. Add-ons will not be bookable until after October 15th. It is possible to book your tour without add-ons and to include them later, more than 30 days prior to the first day of your tour.
You can book the tour online by following the green button, “GO Book the Tour.”